BPI Offices Divisions



The Crop Research and Production Support Division (CRPSD)is a unit within the Bureau of Plant Industry primarily tasked to handle two of the agency’s most crucial functions: research and development (R&D) and production support. The CRPSD takes the lead in conducting relevant and quality research activities to ensure national competitiveness in the face of the demands of an increasingly globalized agricultural economy. The Division further translates its technical capacities and services to harness plant production for the benefit of every Filipino farmer and consumer.

The CRPSD’s research efforts have resulted to the discovery of new crop varieties or strains that improves our harvest rates and plant material quality. The Division reproduces and distributes these new varieties for planting by our local farmersas part of our initiatives to harness dynamism in the Philippine plant industry. The CRPSD also envisions a vibrant plant research culture in the country by placing its strategic thrust on the conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) found in the Philippines.The Division is also instrumental in the performance of major functions in the implementation of the National Framework of the Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the country as a key policy tool in the advancement of our local agricultural sector.

The Division plays an important role in production support through the institution of mechanisms that ensure the availability and utilization of quality planting materials, consistent with the principles of good production methods. Inspired by its vision to highlight the Philippine fruit industry as a source of national pride for its world-class quality, the CRPSD has exercised responsibility over variety registration accreditation and accreditation of plant nurseries as major regulatory mechanisms in plant quality control.The Division has accredited several plant nurseries and monitored their compliance to existing standards and requirements for continuous accreditation.The CRPSD also monitors the production and distribution of seeds and other plant materials that reflect our genuine commitment to help our farmers.

In line with the principles of good governance in the context of climate change and disaster risk management, the CRPSD also assists the Department of Agriculture in providing quality seed and plant materials during calamities.



A responsive division committed to address plant industry needs and increase farm productivity.


We develop crop farming technologies and ensure production of quality seeds and planting materials.


  • Generate crop production technologies accessible to our farmers
  • Assure our farmers the continuous and stable supply of quality seeds and plant materials of improved crop varieties and cultivars
  • Provide assistance to the farmers on recommended crop production technologies


  • Provide holistic approach and effectively integrate the crop research-related and crop production support to BPI;
  • Develop, implement, and monitor the research and development (R&D) program of BPI on crop improvement, plant genetic resources, and culture and management;
  • Produce and distribute superior quality seeds and planting materials; and
  • Empower stakeholders on crop farming productivity


  • Accreditation of plant nursery operators
  • Technical assistance to stakeholders


1. Crop Culture Management Section

  1. Plan, orchestrate, facilitate and monitor the R&D programs and activities of the Bureau concerning crop culture and management; 
  2. Establish and strengthen linkages with other R&D institutions; and
  3. Provide technical advice and relevant services to its stakeholders on crop culture and management.

2. Crop Improvement and Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) Section

  1. Plan, orchestrate, facilitate and monitor the R&D programs and activities of the Bureau concerning crop improvement (i.e. developing crop varieties and cultivars with desirable agronomical and horticultural characteristics) and Philippine PGRs, as well as biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization (i.e. germplasm collection, regeneration, in-situ and ex-situ conservation, documentation, characterization and evaluation);
  2. Establish and strengthen linkages with other R&D institutions; and
  3. Provide technical advice and relevant services to its stakeholders on crop improvement and PGR management.

3. Crop Production Support Section

  1. Plan, orchestrate and facilitate programs and activities on the production and distribution of high-quality seeds and/or plant materials of NSIC-registered crop cultivars and other high yielding varieties;
  2. Accredit private plant nurseries and other plant breeding institutions; and
  3. Monitor seed and plant material production and distribution and performance of BPI centers, DA Regional Field Offices (RFOs), seed farms and accredited private institutions. 


Forms / Permits / Certifications


1. List of Plant Nursery Accreditors

2. List of Plants Identifications and Certifications

We develop crop farming technologies and ensure production of quality seeds and planting materials.

Agricultural Engineering Division




Agricultural Engineering Division is a leading research facility on plant industry’s mechanization and protective structure


Develop appropriate mechanization technologies and provide modernized infrastructure designs for the plant industry



  • Conduct agricultural engineering related research and development for the plant industry;
  • Determine the mechanization and infrastructure needs of the Bureau with timeline and funding appropriation;
  • Develop master plan for mechanization and infrastructure projects for BPI research centers such as greenhouses adaptive to climate change, packing houses, cold and ambient storage-houses, seed processing plants, offices, and other laboratories; and
  • Ensure soundness of the designs and construction of both equipment and infrastructures, seeing to it that they met the requirements of the centers/offices


The Bureau of Plant Industry since 1932 had been applying engineering concepts in crop production and advocated farm mechanization aimed at expanding production areas. The recognition of the importance of agricultural engineering research and development was officially formalized in the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) in 1957 with the establishment of the Farm Operations Division which later in 1972, became the Agricultural Engineering Division. Through the years, BPI had undergone various organizational changes to adapt to the needs of the times and along with these reorganizations, the mandate of the Agricultural Engineering Division changed:

a. 1957 Reorganization Plan No. 30-A

          Mandate – Plan and Program Research on Utilization and Assignment of Farm Machinery, Introduce Effective Crop Practices, and Provide Assistance in Efficient                    Management of the Bureau’s Farms

b. 1972 Integrated Reorganizational Plan, Reorganization of the Executive Board of the National Gov
    ernment (Chapter III)

          Mandate - Research and Development on Irrigation and Drainage, Simple and Low-cost Farm Implements and Machinery, Post-production Techniques and                          Harnessing Possible Energy Sources in the Farm

c. 1987 (E.O. 116 Reorganization of 1987)

          Mandate - Development and Improvement of Farm Equipment and Other Related Structures to the Plant Industry and

with the Bureau of Plant Industry shift from a line bureau to a staff bureau and the establishments
of additional agencies within DA whose functions also is in the field of agricultural engineering like PhilMech, AMTEC and BioMech as well as commodity focus agencies like SRA, PCA and PhilRice among others, the AED’s mandate today is to:

d. 2013 (Rationalization Program of 2013)

       Mandate - Conduct Agricultural Engineering Research and Services in Support to the Bureau of Plant Industry’s primary mandate – Protection of the Plant Industry             (plant quarantine, and crop protection);
       Seed System (availability of quality seed and planting materials and crop research) and Food Safety.

i. Determining the mechanization and infrastructure needs of the Bureau’s research and develop
ment centers and offices.

ii. Designing and developing mechanization plans and machinery to meet the identified needs and
the possibility of operating the machinery using alternative sources of energy.

Today, in close cooperation with the Crop Research, Development and Production Support Division, specifically in Mushroom Industry Development Program, the AED is working on the engineering side of the program both in infrastructure (mushroom house and Greenhouse) and machinery (pasteurizer) design and development. Further, the division assists interested parties through provision of these designs should they wish to fabricate or put-up themselves.

Further at present, BPI has no extension mandate since this is specific to ATI, and the AED mandate is focused on Research and Development in support of BPI’s primary mandate. Given the established legacy of the BPI when it is still a line bureau and the strategic advantage of BPI Central Office located in Manila, the AED still offers technical assistance to those who inquires at the office either as walk-in or through correspondence (letter, e-mails, and forwarded mails).

AED Technical Assistance are the following:

1. Answers and suggest simple engineering solutions for simple specific farm problems (farm plans/layouts,
    irrigation solutions, mechanization solutions).
2. Provide links to agencies that are more adept to answer the inquiry.
3. Provide links with cooperators (fabricators and suppliers of equipment or agricultural supplies and infra
    structures e.g. protective structure (greenhouses, pressurized irrigation supplies like pumps, pipes, emitters, others).
4. Provide working drawings for AED develop equipment that are no longer produced by our cooperatorsand unavailable in the market.



Crop Pest Management Division

The Crop Pest Management Division is the agency's arm tasked to administer crop pest management services anchored on optimization of crop harvests for greater food and economic sustainability. It traces its roots way back in 1932, upon the promulgation of Act No. 4007, known as the Reorganization Law of 1932, creating the Plant Sanitation Division.

The Division underwent several reorganizations. On April 1952, during the Third Republic, it was named as the Plant Pest and Disease Control Division.The Division took the name Pest and Disease Control Division by virtue of Reorganization Plan No. 30-A, as implemented by Executive Order No. 216, implemented on January 16, 1957. It became the Crop Protection Division under the Integrated Reorganization Plan of 1972, until it assumed its present name as mandated by the government's most recent reorganization plan. 




Strengthen crop pest management services in the country by employing pest management strategies that are effective, safe and environment friendly to increase farm productivity, food sufficiency and security.


We manage the spread of crop pests in the country by ensuring the availability of effective biological control agents, functional surveillance and early-warning system, and regular plant health status updates.



  • Develops and formulates guidelines and standards on management of plant pests
  • Provides technical assistance, coordination, and where necessary supervision over re-gional facilities, e.g. Regional Crop protection Centers (RCPCs) and surveillance and early warning system (SEWS), IPM-related national as well as bilateral/multinational technical program implementations are involved
  • Assists and supports in regional implementation of national/bilateral technical program cooperation in crop protection
  • Provides facilities for plant pests and disease diagnosis; mass production and rearing of biological control agents for field distribution training for crop protection staff and extension agents; and proper evaluation of national programs and projects on crop protection
  • Supervises and evaluates researches and other development projects on exotic pests of special national considerations
  • Maintains an up-to-date technical library on crop protection for researchers, technical workers and students of crop protection
  • Acts as a technical back staff in trainings of KASAKALIKASAN, the country’s National Crop Protection Policy
  • Acts as the central monitoring arm and repository of regional pest data


  • Plant Pest Surveillance, Monitoring and Forecasting
  • Plant Pest Diagnostics
  • Plant Pest Management. 
  • Biological Control Agents Mass Production.
  • Competency Training and Extension on Crop Pest Management
  • Biosecurity and Quarantine Measures.
  • Applied and Adaptive Crop Pest Management Research. 
  • Public Advocacy on Crop Pest Management. 


Pest Forecasting Section

  • Conducts pest monitoring and post-border pest surveillance, analysis of pest incidence reports and issuance of pest advisory
  • Undertakes ecological pests assessment

Bio-Control and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Section

  • Oversees production, maintenance, distribution, screening, and assessment of the effectiveness of bio-con agents
  • Provides direction in the establishment of sustainable bio-control agents production systems in communities
  • Undertakes field verification of IPM activities and conducts assessment of RCPCs and the network bio-control laboratories

Plant Health and Pest Status Section

  • Provides national plant health status
  • Develops and maintain a repository of pest data, specimen-based pest list and other crop protection information
  • Determines and reports the pest incidence and resistance (i.e., invasive, outbreak or epidemic)



  • Biological Control – identification, evaluation, conservation, mass production of beneficial organism for field application and integration with existing pest management practices
  • Integrated Pest Management – identification, development, verification and field application of existing novel sustainable pest management practices
  • Pest Monitoring – formulation, development, verification and field application of sound pest monitoring and surveillance activities in coordination with RFUs, RCPCs and LGUs
  • Pest Museum – maintained at the Crop Pest Management Division for ready reference and preserved collections.
  • Technical Assistance – to clientele, peers, and the general public in the identification and management of crop pests, serve as resource speakers on different crop pest management topics, hands-on training on mass production of biological control agents
  • Pest Clinic – inquiries regarding insect pests, diseases, rodents and weeds, these are identified, preserved and management recommendations are given to the clienteles



  • Trichogramma – egg parasitoid utilized as biocon agent to control asian corn borer (t. evanescens), rice stemborer (t.japonicum) and vegetable lepidopterous pest (t. Chilonis)
  • Metarhizium – green muscardine fungus used as bioagent versus rice black bug, rhinoceros beetle of coconut, coconut leaf beetle, etc.
  • Chilocorus nigrita – primarily feeds on the family Diaspididae namely; Aspidiotus destructor (armoured scale) on coconut andLepidosaphes ulmi (mussel scale) on lanzones but also has been reported to feed on whiteflies, aphids and psyllids.
  • Trichoderma – most common fungal antagonist and used as compost fungus activator
  • Lacewing – preys on aphids, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, armyworm, budworms, bollworms, borers, corn earworms, scale insects, psyllids, etc.
  • Telsimia nitida - feeds on Aspidiotus destructor (armoured scale) and Lepidosaphes ulmi (mussel scale)
  • Earwig – (Chelisoches morio) feeds on coconut leaf beetle Brontispa longissima; (Euborella annulata) feeds on corn borer and insect pests of vegetables
We manage the spread of crop pests in the country by ensuring the availability of effective biological control agents, functional surveillance and early-warning system, and regular plant health status updates.

National Seed Quality Control Services


The National Seed Quality Control Services Division (NSQCSD), as mandated by the Seed Industry Act of 1992 (Republic Act 7308), supports the major thrusts of the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Plant Industry through the provision of quality assurance and control services for seed and planting material production, processing, storage and distribution, seed research and seed training in seed quality control towards sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.

The BPI-NSQCSD has stations spread across the country in the spirit of greater accessibility of the Bureau's services relevant to the agency's efforts to uphold availability of quality seeds.




Improvement in the quality of the farming communities and private sector through the use of high quality seeds and planting materials of superior crop varieties which increase crop productivity and enable them to produce high quality agriculture products that are globally competitive.


To formulate and implement plans and programs on seed quality assurance and control services to assure availability of high quality seeds and improved planting materials.



  • Formulates, recommends and implements plans and programs  on seed quality assurance  and  seed quality control services and activities on seed testing, plant/seed materials certification, and other quality control  schemes to be developed;
  • Conduct seed samplings and analysis, and issue the corresponding reports of analyses of samples drawn from locally produced and imported seed lots within the purview of the Seed Act;
  • Monitor seed quality control programs nationwide;
  • Maintain and operate National Seed Quality Control Services through seed testing and seed and plant material certification throughout the country; and
  • Accredit seed growers



Seed Certification Section

  • Accreditation of seed growers to produce various seed crops
  • Field inspection – inspection of the field by authorized seed inspectors at least three times per cropping season as per standards established such as isolation requirements, presence of off types, admixtures and weeds and incidences of seed-borne diseases and pests, among others.
  • Seed sampling – drawing of a quantity of seed from seed lot in accordance with the International Rules of Seed Testing or as prescribed by NSIC.
  • Seed Testing – accurate and prompt analysis of seed sample to determine the planting value of seed based on the methodologies prescribed by the ISTA.
  • Tagging – after all field and laboratory standards are met, seed lots are then issued certification tags. Different seed classes are issued different colors: white-breeder seeds; red-foundation seeds; green-registered seeds; and blue-certified seeds.
  • Inspection of seed warehouses, processing plants and seed producers/dealers‘ distribution centers and production areas.
  • Pre and post control test-investigation of growing cultivars and the occurrence of certain seed-borne diseases grown on field plots. It needs familiarity of well-trained staff with the characteristics of the variety.

Crops Eligible for Certification: 

  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Sorghum
  • Mungbean
  • Peanut
  • Tobacco
  • White Potato
  • Cotton
  • Wheat
  • Soybean


Seed Testing Section - samples for different quality attributes in planting value such as germination, purity, varietal purity, moisture content, seed health, vigor, mechanical injury and other attributes are tested in accordance with the International Rules for Seed Testing (ISTA) or as prescribed NSIC. The following crops require seed testing:

  • Agricultural Seed and Vegetable Seed Tree
  • Shrub Seed Flower
  • Spice, Herb and Medicinal Species


Plant Material Certification Section - aims to produce and distribute high quality planting materials of superior crop varieties of known genetic and varietal purity including freedom from the seed-borne systemic diseases. This involves:

  • Formulate Plans and Programs on Plant Material Certification and Other Quality Control schemes to be developed
  • Conduct validation/revalidation of existing registered parent, foundation and scion tree, plantation and root crops based on formulated guidelines.
  • Conduct fruits samples for certification based on standard/guidelines.
  • Tagging of certified trees and seedlings of fruits, plantation crops and root crops.
  • Accredit tissue culture laboratory based on formulated standard/guideline for the production and distribution of tissue cultured planting materials.
  • Conduct monitoring of foundation and scion trees and seedling for certification and periodic monitoring of certified crops.

Contact #: 8936-2546 / 8288-4668



Regional NSQCS Stations:





National Capital Region

National Seed Quality Control Services (NSQCS)

Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City

IRRI, UPLB, IPB, local and multi-national seed companies


NSQCS for Region 1

Tebag, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

La Union, Pangasinan, Ilocos Sur


Satellite NSQCS for Region 1

MMSU Compound, Tabug, Ilocos Norte

Ilocos Norte, part of Ilocos Sur

(Cordillera Administrative Region)


Guisad, Baguio City

Abra, Benguet


NSQCS for Region II

San Mateo, Isabela

Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino


Satellite NSQCS for Region II

Tuguegarao, Cagayan

Cagayan, Kalinga, Apayao


NSQCS for Region III

Maligaya, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Bataan, Aurora Province, Bulacan, Pampanga,Zambales


NSQCS for Region IV

Economic Garden, Los Baños, Laguna

Aurora, Batangas, Cavite, Laguna, Marinduque, Palawan, Quezon, Rizal, Romblon


Satellite NSQCS for Region IV

Barcenaga, Naujan. Or Mindoro

Oriental Mindoro


Satellite NSQCS for Region IV

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Occidental Mindoro


Satellite NSQCS for Region IV

Irawan, Puerto Princesa, Palawan



NSQCS for Region V

San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur

Albay, Camarines Sur, Camnarines Norte, Masbate, Catanduanes


NSQCS for Region VI

Hamungaya, Jaro, Iloilo City

Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Iloilo, Guimaras


Satellite NSQCS for Region VI

La Carlota City, Negros Occidental

Negros Occidental


NSQCS for Region VII

Estancia, Mandaue City, Cebu

Cebu, Negros Oriental, Siquijor


Satellite NSQCS for Region VII

Bohol Experiment Station, Ubay, Bohol



NSQCS for Region VIII


Eastern Leyte, Biliran, So. Leyte, Eastern Samar, So. Samar


NSQCS for Region IX

Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur

Zamboanga Sur, Zamboanga Norte, Zamboanga City, Basilan


NSQCS for Region X

Cagayan de Oro City

Bukidnon, Camuiguin, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Oriental


NSQCS for Region XI

Bago Oshiro, Davao City

Davao City, Davao del Sur, Davao Norte, Davao Or., So. Cotabato,Sarangani


NSQCS for Region XII

Bual, Midsayap, No. Cotabato

No., Cotabato, Cotabato City, Sultan Kudarat, Lanao del Sur, Lanao Norte, Maguindanao


NSQCS for Region XIII

Butuan City

Agusan Sur, Agusan Borte, Surigao Sur, Surigao Norte

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